
Our soft, fragrant. piercing, Camphor essential Oil is bursting with middle notes, producing a sharp, woody camphorus aroma, which some may describe as slightly sooty.

A native of China, this pale to yellow oil has been used historically for its ability to relieve the symptoms of colds, coughs, bronchitis and flu.

It is thought to help to reduce temperatures and its antiseptic properties are said to combat the bacteria causing the illness. It is also a natural insect repellent and great for keeping moths at bay.

Great Oil to use with Henna, Makes henna stain darker!


1 – Camphor oil is probably best known for its ability to relieve the symptoms of colds, coughs, bronchitis and flu. It is a febrifuge, meaning it can help to reduce temperatures and its antiseptic properties help to combat the bacteria causing the illness.

2 – Its ability to warm the skin and reduce inflammation makes it useful in easing arthritis, aching muscles, rheumatism and sprains. This warming occurs by increasing circulation and raising low blood pressure.

3 – In skin care it can be effective against acne and to balance sebum production in oily skin. It has also been traditionally used as a deodorant and to aid healing.

4 – Camphor is a natural insect repellent, especially useful for deterring moths and flies.

5 – Emotionally it can ease nerves and tension and help to pierce through the thoughts of a troubled mind.

Cautions: It can cause skin irritation, so should be used well diluted and used with care.